Representing Leading Manufacturers of OCXO Solutions
Since 1995 Artec Lantec has been increasing product sales for companies that are creating the products of tomorrow. With our vast expertise in design, engineering and development, we help create new channels of business for our customers by getting them in on the ground floor of significant design projects. We leverage our network of Israel’s top engineers to get the job done in the most compelling and successful manner every time. Israel is the center of innovation in the world and we are thrilled to be a part of it.
Leading OCXO Manufacturer
Magic Xtal Ltd. was founded in 2001 as a research and production enterprise entirely dedicated to development and manufacturing of advanced Oven Control Crystal Oscillators (OCXO) intended for domestic and the world market. Nowadays the company possesses considerable portfolio of unique OCXO products which have become indispensable solutions for many customers in Russia and all over the world.
Magic Xtal is a pioneer in creation of miniature ultra-low power high stability OCXOs based on the internally heated resonators and remains the world leader in development and fabrication of these extraordinary and very popular devices.
The company is located in Omsk city – large industrial center of Russia situated in Western Siberia. It owns about 1100 sq. m production area accommodating full range facilities for large-scale manufacture of all kind OCXOs from the crystal blank stage.
Staff of the company comprises about 80 workers with strong experience in the industry including 9 engineers with Ph.D. and Master degrees in the field.
Quality of Magic’s OCXO products is insured by own unique technologies, reliable manufacturing processes with every-step test procedures and long operation run before shipment as well as by effective QC system operating in compliance with ISO 9001 standards.
Artec Lantec has been representing Magic Xtal in Israel for over 15 years.
Creating More Business Opportunities For You In Israel
In recent years the high-tech market in Israel has exploded with all kinds of innovation and activity. This positive trend shows no signs of slowing down. The world’s top engineers are convening here to collaborate on innovative solutions that will enhance every aspect of our lives.
Experienced Market Partner
- Representing most innovative solutions for LED and IoT
- Proven market partner worldwide with over 15 years experience.
- Tight-knit group of professionals working together for many years.
- Always in the right place, with the right solution at precisely the right time.
- Highly ethical conduct in all business dealings.
- In-depth, advanced and precise technical knowledge.
- Situated in the heart of Israel’s high tech hub.
- Driven and extremely motivated team focused on succeeding together.
- Fully transparent and personal relations with employees and customers.